
Available events:

orientationchange The device is turned clockwise or counterclockwise. This event is triggered by the device and might use an internal gyroscope.

pinch Is triggered during a pinch gesture (two fingers moving away from or towards each other).

rotate Is triggered during a rotation gesture (two fingers rotating clockwise or counterclockwise).

swipemove Is triggered during a swipe move gesture (finger(s) being moved around the device, e.g. dragging)

swipeone Is triggered after a swipe move gesture with one touchpoint (one finger was moved around the device)

swipetwo Is triggered after a swipe move gesture with two touchpoints (two fingers were moved around the device)

swipethree Is triggered after a swipe move gesture with three touchpoints (three fingers were moved around the device)

swipefour Is triggered after a swipe move gesture with four touchpoints (four fingers were moved around the device)

swipeup Is triggered after an strict upwards swipe move gesture

swiperightup Is triggered after a rightwards and upwards swipe move gesture

swiperight Is triggered after a strict rightwards swipe move gesture

swiperightdown Is triggered after a rig*htwards and downwards swipe move gesture

swipedown Is triggered after a strict downwards swipe move gesture

swipeleftdown Is triggered after a leftwards and downwards swipe move gesture

swipeleft Is triggered after a strict leftwards swipe move gesture

swipeleftup Is triggered after a leftwards and upwards swipe move gesture

tapone Is triggered after a single (one finger) tap gesture

taptwo Is triggered after a double (two finger) tap gesture

tapthree Is triggered after a tripple (three finger) tap gesture

pinchopen Is triggered when a pinchopen gesture (two fingers moving away from each other) occured and the touchpoints (fingers) are removed the device.

pinchclose Is triggered when a pinchclose gesture (two fingers moving towards each other) occured and the touchpoints (fingers) are removed the device.

rotatecw Is triggered when a clockwise rotation gesture (two fingers rotating clockwise) occured and the touchpoints (fingers) are removed the device.

rotateccw Is triggered when a counterclockwise rotation gesture (two fingers rotating counterclockwise) occured and the touchpoints (fingers) are removed the device.