Este es mi algoritmo para la obra “Fugas para los proximos 25920 años”.

// // Machine.add(me.dir() + “/fuguer/”);

me.dir() + “/fuguer/” => string fugueMAKER; // add

// while( true ){ // Machine.add(fugueMAKER); // 43::second => now; // } Machine.add(fugueMAKER);

«<”One_Fugue_for_each_day_of_the_next_26000_Years”»>; //prints title // la musica es un lenguaje universal, las matematicas son la lengua universal

//seed if (me.args()==1) {//if seed set by user Std.atoi(me.arg(0))=> int seed; Math.srandom(seed); «<me.arg(0)»>;

seed/365=> int year; seed%365 =>int days; «<”Year”, year,”Day number:”,days»>; «<”Name”, seed»>;

} else { Math.random2(0, 9460800 )=> int seed;//25920.365=9460800 Math.srandom(seed);

seed/365=> int year; seed%365 =>int days; «<”Year”, year,”Day number:”,days»>; «<”Name”, seed»>; «<”To hear this again append ‘:name’ to the chuck command “»>;

} /* rythm 3/8 + 3/8 + 4/8 + 2/8 + 2/8 */

//Sound chain Gain master =>dac;

SndBuf click=> Pan2 p1 => NRev verbOscA =>dac; SndBuf kick=> Pan2 p2 =>dac; SinOsc oscA => Pan2 p4 => dac; TriOsc oscB=> Pan2 p3=>dac; TriOsc oscC=> Pan2 p5=>dac;

//reset Gain 0 =>oscA.gain=>oscB.gain=>oscC.gain=>kick.gain=>click.gain; //sound chain Impulse imp => ResonZ filt =>Pan2 p =>dac; 800.0 => filt.freq; 400=>filt.Q; 0.7=> imp.gain;

//set pan positions 1.0 =>p1.pan; .3 =>p2.pan; -0.2 =>p4.pan; -1 =>p3.pan; 0.8 =>p5.pan;

//set reverb level 0.1 => verbOscA.mix;

//store now to deduct lenght later now => time t1; //init beat counter 0=> int counter;
//timing parammeter 0.75/3 => float beattime;// (0.75::second in your composition!) :)

//global arrays

//bombo [01, 00, 00, 01, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 01, 01, 00, 01, 00] @=> int bombo_1[]; [01, 00, 00, 01, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00]@=> int bombo_2[];

//aro [00, 00, 01, 00, 00, 01, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 01, 00, 01] @=> int aro_1[]; [00, 00, 00, 01, 02, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00] @=> int aro_2[];//2= roll

// with random [49, 50, 52, 54, 56, 57, 59, 61,0, 0] @=> int notes[];//the 0 is for silence, there;s two to increase silence probability //Function to avoid writing the same sentence

fun int nota ( int x) {//how do I get rid of input? notes[Math.random2(0, notes.cap()-1)] => x; return x; } //store variables into array, (I spent a lot of time trying to improve this but I couldn make it yet…) nota(1) =>int N1; nota(2) =>int N2; nota(2) =>int N3; nota(2) =>int N4; nota(2) =>int N5; nota(2) =>int N6; nota(2) =>int N7; nota(2) =>int N8; nota(2) =>int N9; nota(2) =>int N10; nota(2) =>int N11; nota(2) =>int N12; nota(2) =>int N13; nota(2) =>int N14;

nota(1) =>int O1; nota(2) =>int O2; nota(2) =>int O3; nota(2) =>int O4; nota(2) =>int O5; nota(2) =>int O6; nota(2) =>int O7; nota(2) =>int O8; nota(2) =>int O9; nota(2) =>int O10; nota(2) =>int O11; nota(2) =>int O12; nota(2) =>int O13; nota(2) =>int O14;

nota(1) =>int P1; nota(2) =>int P2; nota(2) =>int P3; nota(2) =>int P4; nota(2) =>int P5; nota(2) =>int P6; nota(2) =>int P7; nota(2) =>int P8; nota(2) =>int P9; nota(2) =>int P10; nota(2) =>int P11; nota(2) =>int P12; nota(2) =>int P13; nota(2) =>int P14;

nota(1) =>int Q1; nota(2) =>int Q2; nota(2) =>int Q3; nota(2) =>int Q4; nota(2) =>int Q5; nota(2) =>int Q6; nota(2) =>int Q7; nota(2) =>int Q8; nota(2) =>int Q9; nota(2) =>int Q10; nota(2) =>int Q11; nota(2) =>int Q12; nota(2) =>int Q13; nota(2) =>int Q14;

nota(1) =>int R1; nota(2) =>int R2; nota(2) =>int R3; nota(2) =>int R4; nota(2) =>int R5; nota(2) =>int R6; nota(2) =>int R7; nota(2) =>int R8; nota(2) =>int R9; nota(2) =>int R10; nota(2) =>int R11; nota(2) =>int R12; nota(2) =>int R13; nota(2) =>int R14;

[ N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9, N10, N11, N12, N13, N14 ] @=> int melo_1[]; [ O1, O2, O3, O4, O5, O6, O7, O8, O9, O10, O11, O12, O13, O14 ] @=> int melo_2[]; [ P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14 ] @=> int melo_3[]; [ Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6, Q7, Q8, Q9, Q10, Q11, Q12, Q13, Q14 ] @=> int melo_4[]; [ R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, R11, R2, R13, R14 ] @=> int melo_5[];

[ 49, 50, 52, 57, 59, 61, 00, 00, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 ] @=> int melo_B[];//forced transition melody

//open soundfiles me.dir(-1) + “/audio/kick_05.wav” =>; me.dir(-1) + “/audio/snare_03.wav” =>;

//set sample pitches

//set gain levels 0 => oscA.gain=> kick.gain=> click.gain=>oscB.gain;

//prevent samples to play on load kick.samples() =>kick.pos; click.samples() =>click.pos;

/* ***** FUNCTIONS ****** */

/* ************ SNAREROLL (from lecture) ************ */ fun int drumRoll ( int index) { «>>; if (index >=1) { //play sound for duration of index 0=>click.pos; index::ms =>now; //call drumRollwhile reducig index return drumRoll (index-1); } else if (index ==0); { return 0; //end } }

/* ************ FUNCTION “play” three voices ************ */ fun void play(int kickArray[], int clickArray[], int meloArrayA[], int transpA, int instrmA, int meloArrayB[], int transpB, int instrmB, int meloArrayC[], int transpC, int instrmC) { //sequencer for basedrum and snaredrum beats for (0 => int i; i < kickArray.cap(); i++ ) { //if one in the array then play kick if(kickArray[i] ==1) { 0=>kick.pos; } if (clickArray[i]==1) { 0=>click.pos; } //if one in array play click if (clickArray[i]==2) { drumRoll(22); } //set freq using array A if (instrmA==0 )// route audio to the proper instrument { Std.mtof((meloArrayA[i])+ transpA) => oscA.freq;

    if (instrmA==1 )
       Std.mtof((meloArrayA[i])+ transpA)  => oscB.freq ;
    if (instrmA==2 )
       Std.mtof((meloArrayA[i])+ transpA)  => oscC.freq ;
      //set freq using array B
   if (instrmB==0 )// route audio to the proper instrument
      Std.mtof((meloArrayB[i])+ transpB)  => oscA.freq;
   if (instrmB==1 )
       Std.mtof((meloArrayB[i])+ transpB)  => oscB.freq ;
       if (instrmB==2 )
       Std.mtof((meloArrayB[i])+ transpB)  => oscC.freq ;

                   //set freq using array C
   if (instrmC==0 )// route audio to the proper instrument
      Std.mtof((meloArrayC[i])+ transpC)  => oscA.freq;
   if (instrmC==1 )
       Std.mtof((meloArrayC[i])+ transpC)  => oscB.freq ;
     if (instrmC==2 )
       Std.mtof((meloArrayC[i])+ transpC)  => oscC.freq ;

      <<<"Counter:", counter >>>;
      counter++; //counter +1 => counter
       now => time t2;
      (t2-t1)/second => float tiempo;

      beattime::second =>now;   } }

/* ************ FUNCTION “play” 2 voices ************ */ fun void play(int kickArray[], int clickArray[], int meloArrayA[], int transpA, int instrmA, int meloArrayB[], int transpB, int instrmB) { //sequencer for basedrum and snaredrum beats for (0 => int i; i < kickArray.cap(); i++ ) { //if one in the array then play kick if(kickArray[i] ==1) { 0=>kick.pos; } if (clickArray[i]==1) { 0=>click.pos; } //if one in array play click if (clickArray[i]==2) { drumRoll(22); } //set freq using array A if (instrmA==0 )// route audio to the proper instrument { Std.mtof((meloArrayA[i])+ transpA) => oscA.freq;

    if (instrmA==1 )
       Std.mtof((meloArrayA[i])+ transpA)  => oscB.freq ;

      //set freq using array B
   if (instrmB==0 )// route audio to the proper instrument
      Std.mtof((meloArrayB[i])+ transpB)  => oscA.freq;
   if (instrmB==1 )
       Std.mtof((meloArrayB[i])+ transpB)  => oscB.freq ;

      <<<"Counter:", counter >>>;
      counter++; //counter +1 => counter
       now => time t2;
      (t2-t1)/second => float tiempo;

      beattime::second =>now;   } }

/* ************ FUNCTION “play” ()reduced One voice ************ */ fun void play(int kickArray[], int clickArray[], int meloArrayA[], int transpA, int instrmA) { //sequencer for basedrum and snaredrum beats for (0 => int i; i < kickArray.cap(); i++ ) { //if one in the array then play kick if(kickArray[i] ==1) { 0=>kick.pos; } if (clickArray[i]==1) { 0=>click.pos; } //if one in array play click if (clickArray[i]==2) { drumRoll(22); } //set freq using array A if (instrmA==0 )// route audio to the proper instrument { Std.mtof((meloArrayA[i])+ transpA) => oscA.freq;

    if (instrmA==1 )
       Std.mtof((meloArrayA[i])+ transpA)  => oscB.freq ;

      <<<"Counter:", counter >>>;
      counter++; //counter +1 => counter
       now => time t2;
      (t2-t1)/second => float tiempo;

  beattime::second =>now;   }//end for loop }//end fuction

/* ************ FUNCTION “play” ()more reduced yet to use with kick and click only ************ */ fun void play(int kickArray[], int clickArray[]) { //sequencer for basedrum and snaredrum beats for (0 => int i; i < kickArray.cap(); i++ ) { //if one in the array then play kick if(kickArray[i] ==1) { 0=>kick.pos; } if (clickArray[i]==1) { 0=>click.pos; } //if one in array play click if (clickArray[i]==2) { drumRoll(22); }

      <<<"Counter:", counter >>>;
      counter++; //counter +1 => counter
       now => time t2;
      (t2-t1)/second => float tiempo;

  beattime::second =>now;   }//end for loop }//end fuction

/* *** SCORE **** / 1=>int i; //INTRO while(true) { 300.0 =>;//generate 1 per sample Math.random2f(1200, 1500)=>filt.freq; Math.random2f(0.1,0.4)::second=>now; i++; //PHI PARA RAMPAS Math.sin(now/1::second2*pi) => p.pan; «»; if (i==15) {break;}

0=> imp.gain; 1::second => now;//intro

//FUGUE MAKER while(true) { i++; «»;

//ONE VOICE 1.0/3 => oscA.gain=> kick.gain=> click.gain; //adjust gain proportionally , remember oscB is off… play(bombo_1, aro_1, melo_1, 0,0); play(bombo_1, aro_2, melo_2, 0,0);

//TWO VOICES 1.0/4 => oscA.gain=> kick.gain=> click.gain =>oscB.gain; play(bombo_1, aro_1, melo_B, 7,0 , melo_1, 7,1); play(bombo_1, aro_2, melo_3, 7,0 , melo_2, 7,1); //THREE VOICES 1.0/5 => oscA.gain=> kick.gain=> click.gain =>oscB.gain=>oscC.gain; play(bombo_1, aro_1, melo_4, 2,0 , melo_B, 14,1, melo_1, 14,2); play(bombo_1, aro_2, melo_5, 2,0 , melo_3, 14,1, melo_2, 14,2); // play(bombo_1, aro_2, melo_6, 14,0 , melo_3, 14,1, melo_B, 14,2);

1.0/2 =>kick.gain=> click.gain; 0=>oscA.gain=>oscB.gain=>oscC.gain; play(bombo_2, aro_2);

now => time t2; «<”TOTAL DURATION:”,(t2-t1)/second,”seconds”»>; break; }