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by xunorus on 04/23/2016
Towards a music of the abundance </div>
by xunorus on 04/23/2016
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Towards a music of the abundance </div>Xunorus
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( Last update on 2020-09-13 22:40:40 +0000)Towards a music of the abundance
by xunorus on 10/29/2014
I grew up inside the culture of closed proprietary software, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Despite my main preparation is as a composer and performer in the field of music, I’ve been always curious and inquisitive about software development. This curiosity took me to the field of mixed music, where I have lots of experiences at the intersection of music and computers. At certain point I began to develop my own software for my own compositional and performance needs, I developed a bunch of applications that fulfilled those needs until I realized that I was not free to dispose of those tools I have developed for years. That took me, inevitably to Free Open Source Software.
It took me several years to realize what FOSS was about, maybe these fifteen years i’ve been living in Patagonia where I meet the Mapuche culture and experience for the first time a culture that does not have the concept of private property
As my understanding developed I realized that the philosophical consequences of the proprietary world vision does not harness just software users, it neglects all areas of human knowledge, including alimentary habits, education, human interaction, spiritual connection and arts…
Towards a music of the abundance is my ongoing experience and transformation as a composer, performer and developer, seeking a way of living and making a music of the reconnection with the authentic ancient human values in this epoch of shifting into a new paradigm.
I grew up inside the culture of closed propietary software.
Despite my main preparation was in the field of music, I’be been always curious and inquisitive about software development. This curiosity took me to the field of mixed music, where I have lots of experiences at the interesectionn of music and computers. At certain point I began to develop my own software for my own compositional and performance needs, I developed a bunch of applications that fullfilled those needs until I realized that I was not free to dispose of those tools I have developed for years.
Waking Up
It took me several years to realize what FOSS was about. Once I did it i discovered that abusement and impositions wasnt just happening to software users, and malicious and improper thing were already happening on alimentation, on education .
it was later on my path , in the realm of softwarethat I there was no freedom and we live it as if it were a natural fact.
As in all reactions, I tryied to experience from the opposite perspective.
As a composer i’m free to express. The receip of my composition is the listener but htere is also an intermediary, as important as the composer, the performer.
… you can get the PDF directly.
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