This year we’ll arrive to the seventh aniversary of Ah!’s premiere happened on September 2009. I have this proposition in order to rebautice Ah!.

These steps are proposed:

1- Adopt ‘git’ collaborative system

structure to the project and (re)upload all the scores to the project.

This would allow also make personal forks of the work to reach the multiple facets proposed by master David Rosenboom.

2- convert all the score files to an open format

I’ve have completely adopted free open source software for seven years now. I’d like to remain free to choose the tools I like and let other do alike. We have the MusicXML format which is an XML-based file format for representing Western musical notation that can be used in Musescore, Finale,m Sibelius and many more.

3- launch a re premiere of the piece in several parts of the globe.

Create a multi performance instance of the work AH!

What do you think?