Let’s learn some JavaScript! Variables
Here’s how you declare a variable in JavaScript:
var a;
The var keyword lets JavaScript know that whatever comes after is a variable. Now let’s assign a value to our variable:
var a = 12;
Now maybe you’ve seen something like this while looking at some JavaScript code:
a = 12;
JavaScript doesn’t seem to mind when you ommit the var keyword. So what is it good for?
The var keyword makes our variable local. Inside a Meteor app, this means that prefixing a variable with var will restrict its scope to the function you’re declaring it in (or the file, if you declare it outside of any function).
On the other hand, omitting the var keyword will make your variable available to your whole Meteor app. Sometimes that’s good, but in most case it’s better to try and avoid polluting the global scope. What global scope pollution looks like. Functions
Here’s how you declare a function in JavaScript:
var myAwesomeFunction = function (myArgument) { // do something }
And here’s how you’d call your function:
You’ll notice function declarations follow the same var something = somethingElse pattern as variable declarations.
As they should, since in JavaScript, functions are variables too! This means that you can do stuff like using functions as arguments for other functions:
square = function (a) { return a*a; } applyOperation = function (f, a) { return f(a); } applyOperation (square, 10); // 100
A return statement takes a value and returns this value as the result of a function. The key thing to remember here is that whatever comes after return will never get executed:
myFunction = function (a) { return a * 3; explodeComputer(); // will never get executed (hopefully!) }
If Statements
Here’s what an If statement looks like in JavaScript:
if (foo) { return bar; }
As long as the block of code inside the if fits in one line, you can also use this shorthand syntax (note the lack of curly brackets):
if (foo) return bar;
If/Else Statements
Here’s what an If/Else statement looks like in JavaScript:
if (foo) { function1(); } else { function2(); }
If/Else statements also have their own shorthand syntax:
foo ? function1() : function2();
This is particularly useful when assigning a value to a variable:
var n = foo ? 1 : 2;
This means “if foo is true, then set n to 1, otherwise set it to 2”.
Oh and for good measure, here’s an If/Else If/Else:
if (foo) { function1(); } else if (bar) { function2(); } else { function3(); }
JavaScript Arrays
Here’s how you define an array:
a = [123, 456, 789];
And here’s how you access an array item (indexes start at 0):
a[1]; // 456
JavaScript Objects
Here’s how you define a JavaScript object:
myProfile = { name: “John Smith”, email: “johnsmith@gmail.com”, ‘zip code’: 12345, isInvited: true }
After the object declaration (myProfile = {…}) comes a list of comma-separated pairs. Each pair contains a key (a string, which can optionally be enclosed in quotes if it contains any spaces) and a value (any type of JavaScript item: strings, numbers, booleans, variables, arrays, objects, and even functions).
You can also nest objects, and even use arrays:
myProfile = { name: “John Smith”, email: “johnsmith@gmail.com”, city: “San Francisco”, points: 1234, isInvited: true, friends: [ { name: “John Doe”, email: “johndoe@gmail.com” }, { name: “Jane Doe”, email: “janedoe@gmail.com” } ] }
Accessing an object’s property couldn’t be simpler: just use the dot notation. You can even combine it with arrays:
myProfile.name; // John Smith myProfile.friends[1].name; // Jane Doe
You’ll find JavaScript objects almost everywhere in JavaScript, especially when invoking functions. For example, here’s how you would search for a post in your database with Meteor:
Posts.findOne({ title: ‘My First Post’ });
This {title: ‘My First Post’} argument is an anonymous JavaScript object. With JavaScript, you’ll see that most of the time you don’t actually need to assign a name to an object (or even to a function) to make use of it. Anonymous Functions
We’ve seen you can declare functions using the following syntax:
myFunction = function (myArgument) { // do something }
And we’ve seen that JavaScript treats functions just like variables, letting you pass them as arguments to other functions:
square = function (a) { return a*a; } applyOperation = function (f, a) { return f(a); } applyOperation(square, 10); // 100
And we’ve also seen that JavaScript loves coming up with shorter ways to write things. So here’s an equivalent syntax:
applyOperation = function (f, a) { return f(a); } applyOperation( function(a){ return a*a; }, 10 ) // 100
Instead of defining the square function and passing it as an argument, we’re defining it inside the argument call. This is known as using an “anonymous function”, and it’s one of the most common JavaScript patterns around. The call is coming from inside the function! Chaining
We’ve seen that you can pass parameters to functions. But there’s another syntax that you’ll often encounter for things such as array or string operations:
var myArray = [123, 456]; myArray.push(789) // 123, 456, 789
var myString = “abcdef”; myString.replace(“a”, “z”); // “zbcdef”
This dot notation means “call the replace function on myString with arguments “a” and “z” and return the result”.
The beauty of it is that you can also chain multiple links together as long as they all return something. We won’t get into how to define chainable functions, but using them is easy enough. Just follow the something.function1().function2().function3() pattern.
Each link of the chain will take a value, apply a function to it, and then pass on its result to the next link:
n = 5; n.double().square(); //100
this is probably one of the hardest concept to master in all of JavaScript.
Basically, the this keyword lets you access the object on which you’re currently working: just like a chameleon, this keeps changing based on its surroundings.
So instead of trying to explain this, let me give you two tools to help you figure things out yourself (what do you mean, I’m taking the easy way out?!).
The first is the good old console.log(), which prints any object to the browser’s console. Adding a console.log(this) to begin a function is often the best way to figure out what’s going on:
myFunction = function (a, b) { console.log(this); // do something }
The second pattern is assigning this to another variable:
myFunction = function (a, b) { var myObject = this; // do something }
While it might at first seem like this doesn’t accomplish anything, it lets you safely re-use myObject throughout your code, since unlike this its value won’t change depending on the context. Operators
= is the assigment operator. This means that a = 12 means assign the value “12” to a.
If you want to compare two values, you would use ==, as in a == 12.
JavaScript also features the === operator, which compares both value and type (i.e. string, integer, etc.):
a = “12”; a == 12; // true a === 12; // false
In most cases, you’ll want to use the === operator whenever comparing two values, because there aren’t that many cases where you’d want two variables to be equal in value but not in type.
Here’s JavaScript’s unequality operator:
a = 12; a !== 11; // true
The ! operator can also be used independently to get the opposite of a boolean value:
a = true; !a; // false
An interesting consequence of the ! operator is that it always returns a boolean value, even if what comes after is not a boolean:
a = 12; !a; // false
This means that if you want to convert a variable to boolean you can just use the ! operator twice (once to force the variable to boolean, a second time to revert the value back):
a = 12; !!a; // true
a = 0; !!a; // false
Weird Random Characters
You’ll often encounter stuff like this:
Or this:
_.shuffle([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
You might think $ and _ are special JavaScript operators, but they’re actually just user-defined variable names!
$() is commonly used as an alias for the jQuery function (from the jQuery library), while _ is the main object of the Underscore library.
So if you ever encounter some weird out-of-place character in your JavaScript code, make sure it’s not a variable before assuming you just discovered a new, little-used syntax feature. Style
Finally, here are a few optional style rules that will make your JavaScript code cleaner:
Use camelCase: write myRandomVariable, not my_random_variable.
Add a ; at the end of each line, even if it’s optional.
Separate each keyword with a space, i.e. a = b + 1, not a=b+1.
You’ll find more guidelines in the Meteor Style Guide. Putting It Together
So now that you’re equipped with the basics of JavaScript syntax, let’s try to put it together and understand a bit of Meteor code (adapted from Microscope, the app we’ll build step by step in Discover Meteor):
Template.postEdit.events({ ‘submit form’: function(event) { event.preventDefault();
var currentPostId = this._id;
var postProperties = {
url: $(event.target).find('[name=url]').val(),
title: $(event.target).find('[name=title]').val()
Posts.update(currentPostId, {$set: postProperties}, function(error) {
if (error) {
// display the error to the user
} else {
Router.go('postPage', {_id: currentPostId});
}); } });
This tells the app what to do when someone submits the form that lets you edit a post:
First, prevent the default browser behavior for the submit event.
Then, define a variable containing the current post’s ID.
Get the latest value of the text fields.
Update the database with those values.
Finally, either throw an error, or redirect the user.
Let’s break this down (I’ll highlight each syntax pattern as we go):
Template.postEdit.events({: We’re diving into the Template object, accessing its postEdit property, then using dot notation to call the events() function (which is itself a property of postEdit) on an anonymous JavaScript object ({}) (chaining, JavaScript objects).
‘submit form’: function(e) {: The first (and only) key/value pair of the JavaScript object. Since the key (submit form) contains a space, it’s enclosed in quotes. The value is an anonymous function called with one argument (event).
event.preventDefault();: We’re calling the preventDefault(); function of the event object that was just passed as an argument to stop the form’s default submit behavior.
var currentPostId = this._id;: In this context, this corresponds to the post being edited. We’re declaring a local variable (currentPostId) whose value is that post’s _id property.
var postProperties = {: We’re declaring another JavaScript object and using jQuery (the $ sign is an alias for the Jquery object) to get the url and title field’s value from the user interface.
Posts.update(currentPostId, {$set: postProperties}, function(error) {: We’re passing three things to the update() function: the ID of the post to update, a JavaScript object containing the properties to update, and finally a callback anonymous function that will run once the update has concluded. Going Forward
This tutorial is by no means meant to replace actually learning JavaScript. But the various patterns covered here should be enough to let you understand the vast majority of Discover Meteor’s code, at least from a syntax point of view.
So if like me you prefer learning by doing, hopefully this should be enough to get you ready to start building Meteor apps! JavaScript Resources
Here’s a few good links to dig some more into JavaScript:
JavaScript Is Sexy
Source https://www.discovermeteor.com/blog/javascript-for-meteor/